Star Wars Universe Wiki
2,000 articles since August 22, 2010
This is a Star Wars FANON encyclopedia that administrators can edit.
This wiki contains spoilers for all of our Star Wars FANON related media. It is merely for fun and SHOULD be treated as such and NOT as official Star Wars canon.

Template:StarWarsUniverse:Quote of the Day/19 April 2024

Test5From Star Wars Universe's newest articles:
  • …that Dr. Cornelius Evazan once operated a cosmetic surgery clinic in Pons Ora, one of the few settlement located on the remote desert world of Abafar?
  • …that the young rebel Ezra Bridger trained in the Well several times while on an undercover mission to steal an Imperial decoder?
  • …that the Corulag and Raithal academies were specialized service academies that supplied officers to the Imperial military?
  • …that Sergeant Currahee once worked as an instructor at the Marleyvane Academy?
  • …that Merei Spanjaf studied at the Vocational School for Institutional Security?
  • …that snooper programs were used to hack into information networks?